Frame composer feature enables direct creation and editing of Frames within the app. These guidelines are designed to help developers create effective and user-friendly Frame creation interfaces for Warpcast users

<aside> đź’ˇ Please make sure to test your composer action frames on Light and Dark Mode. If you are looking for components that are well designed we recommend shadcn/ui



Entrypoint is owned by Warpcast and all apps/frames can be accessed through a single entrypoint



Size: 40x40

Color: Use your brand color, ensuring visibility in both light and dark mode.

Design: Consider having a widget that is recognizable


Creation flow

Trigger: Tapping the widget should open an in-app web view

Content: This web view should contain your creation interface. By default Warpcast will incorporate your logo under “Powered by”. Do not add it to your flow.


Multistep flow

Overview: If your frame flow is long, try splitting it up into multiple steps

Design: For multi step flows include a visual indicator on top of the page with the ability to navigate back


Button design guidelines

Placement: Position buttons at the end of the form flow if applicable