- We’re launching channel membership to help moderate channels.
- Channels now require membership to cast or reply — you must be invited to be a member.
- Channels are still public to read — anyone can follow the conversation in a channel.
- Channel moderators can add and remove members to better curate their channels.
- We are also giving channel owners the ability to add up to 10 moderators.
Inviting someone to a channel

Mock up for inviting members to a channel. This will feel similar to inviting someone to a group chat.

Mock up for managing moderators and members for a channel
Being invited to a channel

Mock up for receiving an invite to be member / moderator
Channel feeds
- We’re simplifying channel feeds — there’s now only one feed with casts from all members.
- The feed is reverse chronological — when a member casts, it will appear at the top.
- Moderators can now also selectively hide specific casts and replies from the channel.
- No other spam filtering will apply in the channel. If someone is spammy, hide their cast, and if they continue to be spammy, remove them as a member.