<aside> ⚠️ This document covers a deprecated flow. Please see check out the Farcaster docs for up to date docs.



What is happening?

On Tuesday, Aug 29th the proposal FIP-7 is being implemented and Warpcast will launch new APIs for creating signers: Signed Key Request endpoints

Who is affected by this?

If you have used the Warpcast Signer APIs now or in the past, you may be affected.

What do I have to do?

  1. If you previously generated a Signer, and have issued messages with the signer, no action is needed. All your Signers will be migrated and you can issue messages without disruption.

  2. If you previously generated a Signer, and have not issued messages with the signer, it will stop working on Aug 30th. You will need to re-issue the signer to issue new messages.

  3. If you are continuing to generate Signers, you’ll need to make changes to use new APIs. Your will also experience some downtime where you cannot generate signers, so you should update your application to disable that functionality

When are things happening?