With priority mode, Warpcast allows you to control what other accounts you see when using the app. With priority mode turned on, you’ll only see:

  1. Accounts you follow
  2. Accounts with the power badge, i.e. a list of globally interesting accounts
  3. Accounts that a cast author replies to or likes, i.e. when you’re viewing someone else’s cast you’ll see who they engage with

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Toggle on / off

By default, all users are in priority mode. You can turn this off at any time by going to Settings → Casts & Users → Show me replies from and changing it to Everyone.

Link to settings on Warpcast web

Warpcast only

As a reminder, this is only affects Warpcast users and other Farcaster apps will have different approaches.


Why are you doing this?

Recent feedback has been people are seeing more spammy and low quality content. So we’re giving people more control of how to experience Farcaster based on their social graph.

What specific parts of the app are affected by priority mode?