What are Passkeys?
- Passkeys allow you to securely create online accounts and sign in to them without entering a password.
- Passkeys work on both Apple and Google platforms.
How does Warpcast use Passkeys?
- When you sign up for a Farcaster account with Warpcast, your recovery phrase is securely stored with a passkey on your device.
- You are in control of the passkey; this is not stored on Warpcast’s servers.
What if I don’t want to use a Passkey?
- You can disable passkeys on your device and Warpcast will not create a passkey.
- At this time, Warpcast does not support opting out of using passkeys if passkeys are enabled on the device.
🤓 How does this work technically?
Warpcast creates a new Ethereum wallet for each user. The wallet’s seed phrase (i.e. Farcaster recovery phrase) is securely attached to the Passkey via largeBlob