
10am PT May 25, 2023: Zoom Link | Calendar Event

  1. Priorities
    1. Permissionless Hubs: mostly there, stabilization work
    2. Permissionless Signups: in progress, actively being designed
    3. Features: remaining cycles devoted to adding hub features

Permissionless Hubs

  1. Hubble DevEx

    1. Packaged Deployments (in progress)
    2. Known issue with occasional stalls (1 report)
    3. Known issue with space usage (1 report)
  2. **FIP: Links (Cassie + Varun, In Review)**

    1. Released with 2023.5.31, live on 2023.6.14
    2. Warpcast will push follow links soon after launch
  3. **FIP: Canonical Serialization for Hashing Messages (Sanjay, Last call)**

    1. Pushed to next release
  4. **FIP: Multi-Signatures (PFH, Last Call)**

    1. Pushed to next release

Permissionless Signups

  1. Targeting Q3/Q4 2023
    1. Moving names to off-chain ENS to reduce costs
      1. Targeting 2023.7.14
    2. Moving to an L2 to reduce costs (Jul/Aug)
      1. Targeting 2023.9.1
    3. Allowing flexible storage for users (Jul/Aug)
      1. Targeting 2023.9.1
