
10am PT May 11, 2023: Zoom Link | Calendar Event

  1. Priorities
    1. Permissionless Hubs: mostly there, stabilization work
    2. Permissionless Signups: in progress, actively being designed
    3. Features: remaining cycles devoted to adding hub features

Permissionless Hubs

  1. Hubble DevEx

    1. New Example — replicate to postgres
    2. Dockerized Deployments (in progress)
    3. What’s not working right now? What can we improve?
    4. If you’re still using Warpcast APIs whats the blocker? Can we fix Hubs?
  2. **FIP: Multi-Signatures (PFH, Last Call)**

    1. Makes it easy to preserve user messages when transferring fids
    2. Target is the 2023.5.31 release
    3. Any concerns to moving to draft stage?
  3. **FIP: Canonical Serialization for Hashing Messages (Sanjay, Last call)**

    1. Makes it easy for people to write hub clients in other languages
    2. Target is the 2023.5.31 release
  4. **FIP: Links (Varun, Draft)**

    1. Draft stage, pending feedback
    2. Depending on progress, target will be 2023.5.31 or 2023.7.12

Permissionless Signups

  1. **FIP: Permissionless Onboarding (Varun, Idea)**
    1. Overview: Users can claim identities and names for very low cost, should pay for storage, must have reasonable recovery systems.
    2. First-Order Decision: Address-based Identities vs. Integer-based Identities
    3. Second-Order Decision: Storage Pricing
    4. Third-Order Decision: Blockchain for Identity and Storage contracts
    5. Fourth-Order Decision: System for issuing usernames.
