
Hubs (and our backend) don’t currently handle block re-orgs.

Current Behavior

Assume there are 2 blocks at the same height, 1a and 1b. Initially 1a is seen as the correct block and block 2 is created with 1a as the parent. As soon as block 2 is seen, hubs will create OnChainEvents for all transactions in block 1a and emit events which are then picked up by the backend.

If at a later point, 1a is re-orged away and 1b is determined to be the correct block, the hubs that have a latestBlockNumber > 1 will never see this change. This means:

Hubs that missed the re-orged block (e.g. were down and started up after the reorg) will have the opposite (and correct) behavior of only considering block 1b.

The network state forks for all the fids/signers with affected transactions where some hubs will consider them valid and others will not. There is not current way to recover from this across the network without manually restarting hubs with —l2-clear-events which will delete and re-sync all onchain events (currently takes hours).


In the networkConfig file, add two new fields, a l2ReprocessNonce and l2ReprocessFromBlock . If a hub has already seen the nonce, it will do nothing. If the hub has not seen the nonce and the l2ReprocessFromBlock is non-zero, it will: