Extend the frame TransactionTargetResponse
type with a new eth_signTypedData_v4
type TransactionTargetResponse =
| {
chainId: string;
method: "eth_sendTransaction";
attribution?: boolean;
params: EthSendTransactionParams;
| {
chainId: string;
method: "eth_signTypedData_v4";
params: EthSignTypedDataV4Params;
Add a new params
type for signatures, EthSignTypedDataV4Params
import { TypedData } from 'abitype';
import { Hex, Address } from 'viem';
type EthSignTypedDataV4Params = {
domain?: {
chainId?: number;
name?: string;
salt?: Hex;
verifyingContract?: Address;
version?: string;
types: TypedData;
primaryType: string;
message: Record<string, unknown>
For example, a frame could return the typed signature request below from a frame transaction URL to request a typed signature from the user’s wallet:
"method": "eth_signTypedData_v4",
"params": {
"domain": {
"name": "Ether Mail",
"version": "1",
"chainId": 1,
"verifyingContract": "0xCcCCccccCCCCcCCCCCCcCcCccCcCCCcCcccccccC"
"types": {
"Person": [
{ "name": "name", "type": "string" },
{ "name": "wallet", "type": "address" }
"Mail": [
{ "name": "from", "type": "Person" },
{ "name": "to", "type": "Person" },
{ "name": "contents", "type": "string" }
"primaryType": "Mail",
"message": {
"from": {
"name": "Cow",
"wallet": "0xCD2a3d9F938E13CD947Ec05AbC7FE734Df8DD826"
"to": {
"name": "Bob",
"wallet": "0xbBbBBBBbbBBBbbbBbbBbbbbBBbBbbbbBbBbbBBbB"
"contents": "Hello, Bob!"
The client must forward this signature request to the user's wallet. If the user signs the message, the client must send a POST request to the post_url
with a Signature Packet, including the signature bytes as its transaction_id
and signing address in address
Other behavior is the same as existing frame transaction buttons.
Apps should strongly consider using a signature simulation provider to scan signatures and protect users from malicious requests.