Warpcast simulates transactions before sending them to your wallet.

You can get a preview of what the transaction is attempting to do. It will result in one of the four states:

  1. Preview — A summary of the transaction.
  2. Error — A notification that the transaction may fail.
  3. Warning — A notification that the transaction may not be safe.
  4. Unsafe — A notification that the transaction is most likely unsafe.

1. Preview

A preview shows you what happens when you execute this transaction. In the example below, you’re sending ~$3 or 0.00079 ETH to someone.


2. Error

An error is shown instead of a preview when the simulation shows that the transaction will fail.

  1. The most common reason is that you don’t have enough funds. You can fix this easy by purchasing the asset needed and sending it to your wallet and trying again.

  2. The other reasons are due to the contract “reverting” or throwing an error. This is specific to each contract and it is hard to know how to resolve such issues. You may need to reach out to the frame or contract author to fix this.

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