
10am PT Apr 27, 2023: Zoom Link | Calendar Event

  1. Priority: Permissionless Hubs → Permissionless Signups

  2. How Farcaster Makes Decisions

    1. Rough consensus and running code
    2. The best way to make a change is to get buy-in and ship the change
    3. The second best way is to get buy-in and convince someone else to ship
    4. There is no third best way 🙂
  3. Migrating “Big” Applications off Warpcast API

    1. Top priority for us and a pre-requisite to permissionless signups
    2. Status check from developers in the room — how is it going? can we help?
  4. Dealing with users that haven’t created Signers to push data to Hubs

    1. 3500 missing signers today, users who haven’t logged back in severalmonths
    2. Ran an email campaign to get users to sign back in so we can set up Signers
    3. Deprecating data for users who haven’t signed back in by May 4th
    4. Running an in-app notification campaign against all users to re-verify
    5. Deprecating data for users who don’t re-verify by May 18th
  5. FIP-0: A proposal for making proposals (Varun)

    1. Use this lightweight format to propose protocol changes
  6. FIP: Multi-Signatures (PFH)

    1. Makes it easy to preserve user messages when transferring fids
    2. Target is the 2023.5.31 release
    3. Any concerns to moving to draft stage?
  7. FIP: Canonical Serialization for Hashing Messages (Sanjay)

    1. Makes it easy for people to write hub clients in other languages
    2. Target is the 2023.5.31 release
    3. Any concerns to moving to draft stage?
  8. FIP: Embed Proliferation Proposal (Jason)

  9. FIP: Decentralizing the Follow Graph (Varun)

    1. Target is the 2023.5.31 release, any concerns moving to draft?
    2. Urgency comes from this being a pre-requisite to getting apps off warpcast APIs
    3. Can always be evolved later into something different if necessary
    4. Summary so far: 10 votes for follows, 2 for amps, 3 unclear
    5. Feedback: 1k limit on follows feels too low (will make concrete proposal)
    6. Devex: are we comfortable handling unexpected pruning and tombstone pollution? Detailed writeup coming soon
  10. Coming Soon: An FIP for the NFT Open Graph Extension (Varun)

  11. Last Call

    1. FIP-1: Canonical URIs
    2. FIP-2: Flexible Targets for Messages
